Жукова Т.А.
Финансовый университет при Правительстве Российской
г. Москва
Василенко С.С.
г. Москва
Богословский В.И.
РГПУ им. А.И. Герцена
Использование стратегий устойчивого развития в процессе
совершенствования ESG компетенций на занятиях
по английскому языку
В статье представлено описание
стратегий устойчивого развития, используемых в современном образовании и
обозначено их влияние на процесс совершенствования ESG-компетенций, реализуемых на
занятиях по английскому языку. В качестве значимых стратегий выделены –
стратегия вовлеченности, стратегия контроля и стратегия управления рисками.
Данные стратегии играют очень важную роль при формировании ESG компетенций.
Авторами обозначаются
преимущества выбранной платформы «Motivity» с целью подготовки сотрудников группы компаний НЛМК для сотрудников
отдела «Экологическое, социальное и корпоративное управление. Устойчивое
развитие». Участниками исследования стали 22 сотрудника компании НЛМК.
В настоящей статье представлено подробное описание проектирования курса,
основанного на стратегиях устойчивого развития с целью совершенствования ESG компетенций на занятиях по английскому языку.
Zhukova T.A.
Financial University under the Government of the
Russian Federation
Vasilenko S.S.
Moscow, Russia
Bogoslovsky V.I.
St. Petersburg,
The strategies of sustainable development to ESG
competences improvement at English classes
The article
describes the strategies of sustainable development and how ESG competences
influence on the methodology in the field of conducting English classes. By
using the strategies of sustainable development and ESG competencies in
complex, it’s possible to notice that English classes are becoming more
productive and quite interesting for the Target Audience, which is NLMK
colleagues from the ecological department. Considering
the gaps in the previous research, the present study aims to fill them by
answering the following research questions: 1) To what extent can the
strategies of sustainable development influence the learning process in the
sphere of ecology? 2) Is there a relationship between the use ESG competences
on the online platform and students’ engagement?
The research
participants were 22 colleagues from NLMK company from the ecological
department. The study’s instruments included a vocabulary meaning recognition
pre-/post-test and a questionnaire. Tasks on the Motivity platform will help
students apply lexical units in their speech. The findings of the present study
show that thanks to the strategies of sustainable development and ESG
competencies students can develop critical thinking, communication,
collaboration, and creativity skills and in the future, everything will be
applied to the Motivity platform.
is a new term that is grounded on the concepts and enterprises of the tripod of
sustainability. ESG expands the compass of governance, furnishing lesser
visibility for those directly involved with the association’s growth. ESG
relates to all aspects of how we cover and profit the world in which we live [1].
education is used by policy makers as an instrument to induce behavioural
changes into a “socially desirable direction”.
part of the implementation of the ideas of this concept (the concept of
sustainable development), the development of ESG competencies is of particular
importance. The abbreviation ESG means environmental (E),
social (S), governance (G) [4].
researchers who are involved with ESD hold that an instrumental vision on ESD
by definition cannot be reconciled with the definition of education [2, 3]. Some
authors believe that sustainable development as a guide which is always present
in the background and which gives direction when looking for solutions of
sustainability issues [4]. In this sense, sustainable development can be
considered that for every teacher and student should always be present at the
back of their minds, when taking decisions.
addition, for teaching a foreign language in general, and the process of
independent work during online courses in particular, it is necessary to
consider the volitional and intellectual attitudes of students, their
characteristics and preferences, as well as the level of motivation of students.
with the use of online tools has also become a subject of measurement in many
studies. Carolyn Plump and Julia La Rosa (2017) state that free access, ease of
use and the ability to create game-based quizzes, discussions, and surveys gave
this eLearning platform wide acceptance [5].
this research, adults (31 – 50 y.o.) of the NLMK group from the department of “Environmental,
social and corporate governance. Sustainable development” are of
particular interest, for which one of the main conditions determining the
content of education is the use of digital tools in the process of students'
component fully complies with ESG strategies and is associated in one way or
another with competencies. The social component helps learners to work in
groups, discuss issues on the platform and also do peer review, which is very
good for socializing learners. The management component is aimed at the
involvement of students in the process of taking an online course and
identifying leadership qualities.
integration of organizational competencies directed at sustainable principles
highlights the confluence between individual and organizational objectives.
Particular attention in creating an online course will
be paid to the factor that helps to realize the professional competence of
students in NLMK company: Educational aspect (social content of the goal); The
developing aspect (the psychological content of the goal) is determined by the
nomenclature of objects subject to purposeful development; The teaching aspect
(pedagogical content of the goal) lies in the fact that teaching a foreign
language culture is used as a means of moral, ethical, aesthetic and labor
For a future research, a survey was created in Google
forms for NLMK students. This survey was the basis for creating a future online
course, since it is necessary to consider all the needs, interests and
abilities of the learners. The survey consisted of 15 questions, which included
answers with different forms: free answer, scale from 1 to 5, choose answers
from the list. All questions in this study was aimed at using and creating a
future online course. 22 future learners decided to participate in the survey.
Upon completion of the survey, it is possible to understand what interests,
problems adults (31 – 50 y.o.) of the NLMK group from the department of “Environmental, social and corporate governance.
Sustainable development” have.
Since adults (31 – 50
y.o.) of the NLMK group from the department of “Environmental, social and corporate governance. Sustainable
development” will be of
particular significance for the future research, it is necessary to produce
comfortable conditions for students and involve students in the process of
learning a foreign language. To involve students in this process, it is
supposed to create an online course.
The leading component of the system and the creation
of an online course that will be developed was the principle of professional
orientation. The principle of professional orientation has determined the
goals, content, methods, forms and means of teaching that contribute to the
development of professional competence of adults (31– 50 y.o.) of the NLMK group from the department of “Environmental, social and corporate governance.
Sustainable development”.
Another conceptual provision of the future online
course was a person-centred approach. The purpose of the personality-oriented approach is to
create conditions for the development of personal and professional qualities
and capabilities of each student, contributing to self-actualization and
self-realization of everyone in the chosen professional field [6]. The content
of personality-oriented education is aimed at meeting human needs, therefore,
based on the experience of each student, there is an idea to create such an
online course in which the content of education is not set in advance, but is
born in the process of student interaction. The success of this approach in the
educational process depends on the specification of the immediate tasks of
students, the expedient organization of the educational process, the
flexibility of pedagogical technologies [7].
It is necessary to create some exercises that will
help to consolidate the material and will be useful and interesting for
students. It is necessary to create a future course considering this factor and
the age characteristics of the students.
A feature of the future online course will be the
implementation of materials for the adults (22
– 50 y.o.) of the NLMK group from the department of “Environmental, social and corporate governance. Sustainable
development”. This presupposes:
ensuring the communicative orientation of the process of mastering the
material by students, providing for the inclusion of game and project methods
in the educational process;
activation of the process of teaching a foreign language through
motivation of students, considering their needs, motivational and semantic
increasing the role of extracurricular independent work, aimed at the use
of various information sources by students, depending on their capabilities.
Each section of the future course will be devoted to practicing one of the four
types of speech activity and contains a description of the corresponding part
of the exam, criteria for evaluating answers, tips for achieving maximum
results, strategies for preparing for the exam, and practice tests. In
addition, each section will contain individual recommendations and materials.
Thus, the development of communicative competence is
impossible without the preparation of oral and written speech skills. However,
knowledge of lexical and grammatical material does not provide the formation of
communication skills. These skills are formed through the active involvement of
the student in the educational process [8].
In the future online course, the following theoretical
and practical research methods will be used: material analysis, modelling,
methods of collecting and accumulating data, methods of control and
measurement, methods of data processing and methods of introducing research
results into pedagogical practice. In the future development of distance
support materials for the above courses, the following methodological
principles will be relevant: communicative approach; visibility of the material; availability of material;
The future online course will be structured on a
modular basis, with each module having a specific topic and semantic
completeness. To assess the level of the material, two types of testing will be
used: intermediate (at the end of each module) and final (multiple choice and
open type tasks).
The following methods of introducing new vocabulary
are optimal: using video material, word-formation analysis and translation.
Consolidation of the material will be carried out using the following
exercises: answering questions, using video material to repeat the studied
material, exercises will be designed through a test function (choose a synonym
/ antonym, multiple choice, finish a sentence, insert a word into the text).
The use of distance support makes it possible to
actualize a differentiated approach to teaching students. The elements of each
module will include training in listening, reading, writing skills, the use of
grammar and vocabulary, with the control of mastering skills. Within the
framework of each module, the selection of material for additional study will
be carried out, depending on the goals, objectives of the course, opportunities
and the level of proficiency in a foreign language of students.
The study analyzed the list
of references that raises the problem of using and implementing digital tools
and technologies in the process of teaching and learning a foreign language for
adults (22 – 50 y.o.) of the NLMK group from the department of “Environmental,
social and corporate governance. Sustainable development”. That is why it was
concluded that for working on digital platforms interest and motivation of
students to complete an assignment is very significant. It can be achieved by
creating an online course that matches the interests of learners and the
principles of their field of study.
In addition, this course
project analyzed the existing literature on the problem of using digital
technologies in the course of the studying of university students. With the
help of the studied works, the advantages of using digital tools in comparison
with traditional assignments for learning a foreign language in the classroom
were highlighted. Among them, for instance, the possibility of immersion in the
language environment and a general increase of students’ motivation to learn a
foreign language.
Taking everything into consideration,
the need to create an online course on a NLMK group platform for learning a
foreign language was identified in order to fully involve students in the
process of digitalization and interesting learning of foreign languages.
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